About Us
Harnessing the strength of our members to provide excellence in professional healthcare cleaning.
We aim to help our members to provide a service committed to excellence and cost effectiveness, as well as to promote and develop measurable standards of service, responsive to changing needs of clients.
Strategic Objectives
To establish a wide network of members by continuing to promote the profile of the Association through:
- Mutual learning
- Assistance and support
Information sharing - Identifying emerging challenges and opportunities
- Establishing world-wide links
- Lobbying relevant influential bodies including governments
- Commissioning and developing relevant research
- To contribute to and develop learning opportunities

Founding Remit
The ahcp still includes the original founding remit of ASSOCIATION OF DOMESTIC MANAGEMENT, dating from 6th August 1975, in its mission today
- To do all within our power to supply, maintain and encourage an efficient domestic service to support the medical, nursing and allied services throughout the National Health Service in their work for the healing and the comfort of the sick.
- To provide and maintain a national code of practice to complement professional and occupational training.
- To take such action as may be deemed necessary or expedient to improve standards of training amongst domestic staff within the National Health Service, Department of Health and comparable Government Service and Local Authority Service.
- To promote co-operation by the interchange of knowledge and experience.
- To maintain the established position of the Association as the recognised professional body able to advise on professional matters.
Education, Training & Development
The ETD team is made up of 9 elected ETD Member from each branch, and 1 National ETD lead who is elected to represent the team at Council of Management.
- Communicate the training and development needs of its branches
- Represent the ahcp at educational forums of value to the association
- Source funding opportunities for training and development of members
- Source suitable potential training materials i.e manufacturers training videos and make available to members
- Source and share best practice across the 9 branches
- Update FAQ’s with current issues